UFO Bong
Have you ever experienced a Close Encounter of the dank kind?!
Now Is your chance with this one-of-a-kind UFO bong! This saucer is mid beam up of a tiny little mushroom home! The only way to stop the UFO from taking the tiny home is to fill up the included 14mm Male bowl with your product, and fill the chamber with smoke!! Maybe then the UFO will return home. There is only one way to find out!
This piece is a hybrid of borosilicate glass and silicone! Its added silicone features are for design as well as for safety! Which should bring a bit of added comfort to each session. Especially with your clumsy friends. The Silicone Saucer is removable, as is the dome top for easier cleaning!
What are you waiting for? Fly this saucer home today!
Height 8″, 2.75″ base
Comes 14mm jointÂ
Built with high quality borosilicate glass